Robert Stanek biography

Robert Stanek was born on the 3rd January 1966 in Burlington, Wisconsin in the United States of America. His father emigrated to the U.S.A. from Budapest in Hungary.

At the age of 19, Robert Stanek joined the United States Air Force and fought in the Persian Gulf War where he was awarded the highest flying honour, the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross.

Although not a Tolkien scholar, Stanek admits that the epic story and history written in Tolkien's books changed his life. Similarly to Tolkien, Stanek has the knowledge of several languages and is a war veteran and many see this as a common thread in the two authors writing. Stanek has studied Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean and Russian.

Robert Stanek is a Slav and he uses many of their philosophies in his fantasy books. He has used many of the word-bases of several languages for terms within his stories.