Alison Mirabella profile

Place of birth: Long Island, New York
Now living: Long Island, New York

3 favourite authors

  • Neil Gaiman
  • Diana Wynne Jones
  • Robin Hobb

3 favourite books

  • Paradise Lost
  • The Hobbit
  • Alice in Wonderland

3 favourite films

  • Spirited Away
  • Scott Pilgrim
  • Michael

Alison Mirabella's 3 reviews

Crimson & Cream by CM Skiera (The Oxbow Kingdom Trilogy)

Hounded by watchmen, trolls, goblins, and a relentless bounty hunter, 13-year-old Jetsam dreams of the day he’ll no longer have to run for his life.In the mountain city of Dwim-Halloe, Eadriel and Elvar were born twins to teachers at the city’s revered School of Magic. When the new king outlawed magic, the boys’ parents ...


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Zombies vs. Unicorns by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier

I’m sure you’re familiar with this typical family dinner scenario: everyone is seated around the table and Grampa- like Grampa always does- turns a perfectly pleasant conversation into a tirade about how under-appreciated unicorns are in modern society because of these gosh-darn kids and their obsession with brain-eating schmucks. Th...


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The Snicketysnatcher by Ciro Correia

There is only one person standing between the Snickitysnatcher and innocent children everywhere. An unlikely hero, a child herself, is drawn into a deadly game of trickery and deceit against an age old beast and devourer of children. An intense and numbing series of events draws strange characters around her as she sets off on a journey to end t...


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