Stephen Deas biography

Stephen Deas was born 1968 in England. He is best known for his Memories of Flames series, which is set in a land inhabited by dragons.

After receiving a bachelor degree in theoretical physics from Cambridge University he worked at BAE Systems as an electrical engineer.

When asked, in an interview, what he would you say to a reader who is hesitant to pick up the book about dragons:

"Depends why they're hesitant. These are old-school pre-Pern monsters. If you're hesitant because you don't like the way dragons have become flying ponies or have developed characters that are hard to distinguish from the humans around them, well then you might want to give my dragons a try. If you simply don't like dragons, try thinking of them as a metaphor for nuclear weapons or religious extremism or whatever else keeps you up at night worrying that the world is teetering on the brink of destruction and then read the answer a couple of questions above. If you still don't like dragons then, well, maybe you're right to hesitate. It's got some sex in it... does that help?"

"At first glance, a cast of scheming princes and queens, over the hill kings, and money-hungry sell-swords may seem overly familiar, but Stephen does a great job of constantly surprising the reader. It's a fun and entertaining debut that will appeal to fans of both classic and contemporary fantasy. In short, Gollancz has discovered another winner." Fantasy Book Critic