Alex Bell biography

Alex Bell was born in 1986 in Hampshire. She studied Law on and off for six long years before the boredom became so overwhelming that she had to throw down the textbooks and run madly from the building. Since then she has never looked back. She has travelled widely, is a ferociously strict vegetarian and generally prefers cats to people.

"I suppose having been a law student I was able to tap into my own experiences when writing about Lex’s legal background, but I’m not sure I completely agree with the adage that you should write about what you know. I think that would be too boring. I don’t have any personal experience with flying ships or enchanters or moody Gods, but I wrote about them in Lex nevertheless. The whole fantasy/sci-fi genre is based on writing about what you don’t know."
Alex Bell, in an interview with Fantasy Book Review in February 2010

February 16th 2010 interview with Alex Bell

Alex Bell was born in 1986 in Hampshire. She studied Law on and off for six long years before the boredom became so overwhelming that she had to throw down the textbooks and run madly from the building. Since then she has never looked back. She has travelled widely, is a ferociously strict vegeta [...]

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