Top 100 Fantasy Books Of All Time
Looking for great fantasy books? Take a look at the 100 pages we rate highest
It doesn’t take long for the story that Detective Cora Gorderheim’s been telling to gain weight... and a heavy one at that... in the form of a body with a familiar face. Turns out someone important, perhaps even a Chambers, needed their connections to the Wayward killing kept quiet and it seems that bloody murder is a small price to pay for getting away scot free. They should have known better. Cora won’t let sleeping dogs, or dead bodies, lie. She’s prepared to shake things up, and put her life on the line, to find out who’s behind this crime. And what she reveals is world shattering…
As in the first book, The Stitcher and the Mute is a celebration of storytelling. More than that, it’s a multifaceted exploration of the power of words. Here, that power is made explicit through election stories, but if there’s ever a connection to be made between fiction and real life, then this is it. Amongst the entertainment, there’s a warning, both within the book and for those of us without: always look out for what’s hidden as much as what’s on display. Words are slippery things, perfectly suited to deceive. And a whole different story can hide in what's not said. For the Union, this is an election like no other, but there are some who don't want that tale told. It’s up to Cora to separate truth from lies, even if she has to go beyond words, right to the source, and see the truth with her own eyes…
Now, if you thought the authors had showcased their best ‘stories within stories within stories’ designs in Widow's Welcome, you’ve got a surprise coming. The beautifully rolling histories in the Perlish tale were a masterpiece of narrative creation. I’m genuinely awed by how innovative these books are in both form and objective. Yet what’s even more impressive is that the very obvious cleverness is never allowed to outweigh or overpower each novel’s connection with the audience. Yes, there are multiple layers. Yes, there are lots of links within and between stories. But this is a book to be enjoyed and it’s clear that the authors have neglected neither feeling nor character in their desire to create this wonderfully different reading experience. Each individual, whatever their page time, is immediately and stunningly real. Every one engaging enough to hold the reader's attention through their part, whatever shape that takes. I can’t wait to discover how this plays out.
Review by Emma Davis
8.5/10 from 1 reviews
Looking for great fantasy books? Take a look at the 100 pages we rate highest
There's nothing better than finding a fantasy series you can lose yourself in
Our fantasy books of the year, from 2006 to 2021