The Horus Throne by Patricia L ONeill (The Hatshepsut Trilogy: Book 2)


“The world of a king can be a lonely one at the best of times.”

The second instalment in The Hatshepsut Trilogy is The Horus Throne.

The death of her brother and husband has given Hatshepsut a daughter, a nation, and a council of advisor who appose her at every will. Proving her divinity and her decedents from the gods themselves, Hatshepsut must show that a female pharaoh is just as powerful, if not more so, than a male king.

When questions begin to linger whether she is the rightful heir to the throne of Egypt, Hatshepsut must undertake a personal journey of further self discovery where the world of Egypt is ruled by men, not a female king. For the love of her country, Hatshepsut risks her own life and limb on so many occasions that her soldiers begin to accept her as one of them and not a female king who hides behind the curtains. And what better way to prove that she is the chosen one and a descendent from the god himself than to wage war on a rebellion and to march with her army. Undertaking more risks in her personal affairs has great consequences for her own heart, for her beloved commoner, Senenmut, will be torn between protecting her as a royal and his beloved Hat.

The only way to leave a mark on a nation is to defend it at its greatest hour of need. The only way to leave a mark as a divine Pharaoh is to build a monument that surpasses all imagination and architectural capacity, the king’s obelisks.

The Hatshepsut Trilogy concludes in The Eye of Re, where Hatshepsut’s reign takes shape and a woman’s mark is left for the world to see.

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Patricia L ONeill biography

Patricia L ONeill interview

The Hatshepsut Trilogy

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